SmarTak™ is a technologically advanced system that when paired to relative devices, enhances situational awareness and safety of its users during combat or training operations.
It seamlessly integrates electronics into modern firearms to create a real-time network of communication and coordination between the command group, the team, and individual users. This network then provides up-to-date information on the battlefield and helps to improve overall situational awareness, making it a valuable tool for military, law enforcement, and tactical operations.
Our system transmits data when coupled with our SIOS-C11B on a weapon system. Enhanced data, such as what the user is engaging along with individual weapon systems, direction, ammo type, and more across the ecosystem.
The SmarTak™ inForce Plug-in provides seamless integration with SmarTak™ devices such as the SIOS-C11B, allowing you to track your weapon usage and send enhanced Position and Location Information (PLI+) data to the TAK ecosystem.
The plug-in generates a Cursor on Target (CoT) message when a shot is detected from the SIOS-C11B, providing real-time information about the location and orientation of the attached system. This ensures that every member of the network is aware of shots taken and the direction in which they were fired.
With the SmarTak™ inForce Plug-in, users can configure multiple weapons and ammo types using the weapon configuration tool, providing customized tracking for each of the weapon systems.
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